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How are we going to improve the governance of climate change adaptation?

1. By improving adaptation knowledge and its availability through the enhancement of AdapteCCa:

  • The quantity, quality and flow of information on the Platform has been increased.
  • New functionalities have been incorporated (climate change scenario viewer) and the Platform has been given a new, more accessible structure with more resources.
  • Workshops have been held to promote and disseminate the use of AdapteCCa: 4 days of dissemination at regional and national level of tools for adaptation to climate change.

2. Capacitating, communicating and raising awareness on adaptation:

  • 4 sectoral seminars to evaluate the impact that the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change, PNACC 2006-2020, has had on the improvement of adaptive capacities and the advances and strategies that the new PNACC 2021-2030 incorporates for present and future adaptation to this phenomenon.
  • 6 training courses aimed at technicians from local administrations, scientific-technical professionals and university trainers.
  • 7 informative breakfasts on specific adaptation issues, with the participation of journalists and disseminators, among others.
  • Elaboration and dissemination of 30 narratives in attractive formats (micro-documentaries and illustrated stories), based on real cases of impacts, vulnerability and adaptation in different sectors.
  • Exhibition "Adaptation. The other fight against climate change", a travelling exhibition on adaptation to climate change.
  • I Iberian Spain-Portugal Conference on Adaptation (#Adaptes), held online from 18 to 20 November 2021. Three days of debates and thematic sessions with the participation of 90 speakers and more than 2,000 people, marking a milestone in the path of Spanish-Portuguese cooperation to transfer and share knowledge, experiences and good practices with the aim of strengthening climate resilience in both countries.
  • 2 Spanish-Portuguese cross-border technical seminars, one on "Adaptation to climate change in water management in the Iberian context", held in the Portuguese city of Évora, and the other entitled "Adaptation to climate change in the management of agrosilvopastoral systems in Spain and Portugal", which took place in the Portuguese capital.

3. Reinforcing cooperation and coordination among key agents:

  • Promoting public-private agreements for mainstreaming adaptation in the private sector.
  • 6 seminars on particularly vulnerable sectors with representatives from all areas involved.
  • Establishment of a cooperation framework between Spain and Portugal to strengthen the exchange of information on shared vulnerabilities and identify common priorities and actions.
  • Strengthening of links with the European Environment Agency through synergies between AdapteCCa and Climate-ADAPT.

4. Evaluation of the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) in Spain:

  • Participatory assessment and evaluation process.
  • Elaboration of an evaluation report.

Additionally, LIFE projects include specific actions for the management, monitoring, coordination and communication of the project.